The 2021 Annual Global Retirement Index has named Costa Rica has the Best Place to Retire in this year. The Retirement Index is the most comprehensive and in-depth survey of its kind.
Costa Rica flight information and entry requirements
Costa Rica’s air borders are reopening to an ever-growing number of countries, and the number of available flights is slowly increasing.
Despite the pandemic, Costa Rica remains a prominent tourist destination
Renowned international media continue to highlight Costa Rica as one of the best tourist destinations worldwide and a highly recommended place to visit after the global crisis caused by Covid-19.
A pesar de la pandemia, Costa Rica sigue siendo un destino turístico destacado
Renombrados medios internacionales siguen destacando a Costa Rica como uno de los mejores destinos turísticos a nivel mundial y un lugar altamente recomendado para visitar luego de la crisis mundial originada por el Covid-19.
Affordable All On 4 & All On 6 Dental Implants in Costa Rica
All on 4 and All on 6 Dental Implants are two of the most popular dental techniques. People around the world come to Nova Dental Clinic in Costa Rica for this kind of treatment.
A 2016 year full of blessings
Nova dental wishes you a 2016 year full of blessings. We closed 2015 with a wonderful and fun Christmas staff dinner. Additionally, as we do every year, we shared our success with those in need.
AAAHC Grants First International Accreditation: NOVA DENTAL Advanced Dental Center, Costa Rica, Is Accredited.
The Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC/Accreditation Association) announced today that the NOVA DENTAL Advanced Dental Center, San Jose, Costa Rica, is the first…
All on 4 Dental Implants
All on four is a system from Nobel Biocare. Is a system that bring a clinical solution that has been developed to maximize the use of available bone and allow for immediate function.
USA Today recommends Costa Rica as the first destination to visit post Covid-19
Costa Rica’s rich biodiversity and natural beauty puts it at the top of the list of inspiring family travel destinations. With cities and cloud forests – not to mention your pick of Caribbean or…