
All on four is a system from Nobel Biocare, is a system that bring a clinical solution that has been developed to maximize the use of available bone and allow for immediate function.

4 Dental Implants

This system only used 4 dental implants in edentulous jaw.

The solution takes advantage of the benefits of tilting the posterior implants to provide a secure and optimal prosthetic support for a prosthetic bridge, even with minimum bone volume.

The only thing new about All on 4 is that the distal implants are angulated to reduce the cantilever, but if there is bone below the sinus or mandibular nerve, you can place the distal implants more distal, avoid the angle and the special handling needed with angulated abutments.

Dr. Obando.
Specialist in Implant Dentistry
Director of NOVA DENTAL
Advanced Dental Center

26 Oct, 2022

Affordable Health Care in Costa Rica

This year, a few hundred thousand intrepid American travellers will head to places like Thailand and Costa Rica, in search of something that they can’t find in the United States.

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