
This year, Dr. Luis G. Obando will attend the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Osseointegration in Seattle, Washigton. This congress is considered by many as one of the most important odontological activities in the year.

For those who don´t know it, the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Osseointegration is an intensely educational three-day learning session for all dental professionals interested in gaining cutting-edge insights and continuing education from the world’s most noted researchers and clinicians in the field of implant dentistry.

This year’s meeting “Real Problems: Real Solutions” will focus on how to diagnose, treat and prevent implant problems that are commonly encountered, especially with older implant cases. This is an excellent opportunity to learn from the past to provide better care for your dental implant patients, now and in the future.

People who attend the meeting, will have the chance to learn about the latest techniques, innovations and advances in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of common implant problems, including retreatment of 20- to 30-year-old implants.

The 2014 AO Annual Meeting will be in Seatle, Washington in March 6-8, 2014. If you want to know more about this meeting please visite the official site.

25 Oct, 2022

Costa Rica: Best Place to Retire

The 2021 Annual Global Retirement Index has named Costa Rica has the Best Place to Retire in this year. The Retirement Index is the most comprehensive and in-depth survey of its kind.

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08 Apr, 2011

What is a Dental Crown?

Dental crowns, commonly known as caps are defined by the Glossary of Prosthodontic Terms as “an artificial replacement that restores missing tooth structure by surrounding…

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25 Oct, 2022

A 2016 year full of blessings

Nova dental wishes you a 2016 year full of blessings. We closed 2015 with a wonderful and fun Christmas staff dinner. Additionally, as we do every year, we shared our success with those in need.

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